Keycloak Authentication

For an on-premise (component pack) installation of Huddo Boards, you may use an external Keycloak server to provide authentication. To achieve this, you need to setup a new application in the same keycloak realm as connections. This new application must issue access_tokens that have full access to the connections api.

When using this approch, Huddo Boards will get tokens from keycloak but will still validate them against connections using the url /connections/opensocial/oauth/rest/people/@me/@self

The following ENV variables should be set to achieve this:

Key Description
user.env.CONNECTIONS_CLIENT_ID Your Keycloak application client-id
user.env.CONNECTIONS_CLIENT_SECRET Your Keycloak application client-secret
user.env.CONNECTIONS_URL HCL Connections URL, e.g.
user.env.CONNECTIONS_KEYCLOAK_URL Your Keycloak URL e.g.
user.env.CONNECTIONS_KEYCLOAK_REALM Your Keycloak realm
user.env.CONNECTIONS_KEYCLOAK_PATH Optional: Keycloak path
Default: /auth/realms
Customise this to /realms as of Keycloak v22