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Latest Boards releases directly from Dockerhub


These instructions are in the process of being deprecated. We are moving to hosting our images in instead of Dockerhub. Please see these instructions.

You can get the latest versions of Huddo Boards Docker by subscribing to our own repository in dockerhub as follows:

  1. Create a dockerhub account if you do not already have one.
  2. Email requesting access to Huddo Boards Docker repository, include your dockerhub account name in the email.
  3. Create kubernetes secret with your dockerhub account credentials

    kubectl create secret docker-registry dockerhub --docker-username=[user] --docker-password=[password] --docker-email=[email] --namespace=connections
  4. Once confirmed by reply email, update your boards-cp.yaml file as per this example.

    1. At the top set

      • global.imagePullSecret to dockerhub
      • remove your customised global.repository
      • global.imageTagSuffix as the date of our latest release and uncomment it
    2. Add (blank) and image.tag for each service as per this example.


      Some of the services (app, provider, notification) might not be in your boards-cp.yaml file, you must add them.


  5. Run helm to apply the changes.

    helm upgrade kudos-boards-cp -i -f ./boards-cp.yaml --namespace connections --recreate-pods