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Changing Domain/URL

If you need to change the URL of the provider you login to Huddo Boards with (and possibly your Huddo Boards deployment along with it), you must perform the following steps in order to maintain access to existing content:

  1. Update the client definition by the admin UI or database
  2. Obtain updated licence
  3. Update the YAML configuration
  4. Deploy the changes

Client Definition


This step must be performed before updating the licence and YAML configuration. Otherwise you may end up with duplicate clients in the licence and/or configuration.

via the admin UI


If the deployment is still accessible, use this method to change the URL

  1. Log in to your Huddo Boards deployment as an administrator

  2. Click on the Admin Settings icon in the top right menu

    Admin Settings

  3. Click on your Organisation


  4. Click on the Client (authentication provider) you are changing


  5. Update the URL to the new URL. This is labelled slighlty differently depending on the provider, e.g. Connection URL, Domino URL, DX URL etc.

    Click Save to apply the changes


    This should be automatically reflected in the ExternalId as <base64(new-url-hostname)>

    Client URL

via the database


If the deployment is no longer accessible, use this method to change the URL by updating the database directly

  1. Follow this guide to access the database for your Huddo Boards deployment
  2. Switch to the user database

    use boards-user
  3. Update the client url & externalId

    db.clients.update({ 'oAuth.baseURL': 'https://<OLD_URL>'}, { $set: { 'oAuth.baseURL' : 'https://<NEW_URL>', externalId: '<BASE_64_ENCODED_NEW_URL_HOSTNAME>'}})


    • <OLD_URL> is the old URL of your deployment
    • <NEW_URL> is the new URL of your deployment
    • <BASE_64_ENCODED_NEW_URL_HOSTNAME> is the base64 encoded hostname of the new URL of your deployment


      Ensure you only encode the hostname, not the full URL. For example if your would mean encoding just, which equals bmV3LXVybC5jb20=


After updating the URL in the Client, you also need to update the licence to reflect the new URL:

  1. login to the Huddo Store
  2. open your Organisation definition

    My Org

  3. delete the client for the old URL

    Delete Client

  4. add a new client for the new URL

    Add Client

  5. download the updated licence file

    Download Licence

  6. copy the licence key from the new licence file to the licence.env.LICENCE field

    Licence variable

YAML Config

Please review the configuration documentation for variables which need to be updated. For example:

  • global.env.APP_URI
  • global.env.API_GATEWAY
  • webfront.ingress.hosts
  • core.ingress.hosts
  • user.env.CONNECTIONS_URL | user.env.DOMINO_AUTH_URL | user.env.DX_URL


You may also need to update the callback URL defined in your authentication provider.


After updating the configuration, you need to deploy the changes to your Huddo Boards deployment. This can be done as per the How To Update process.


If you have any issues with this process, please contact Huddo Support for assistance.