Boards Self-Hosted Releases (change log)¶
How To Upgrade¶
Please use the appropriate update command with the latest helm chart. For example:
Huddo Boards in Kubernetes
helm upgrade huddo-boards -i -f ./boards.yaml --namespace boards
Component Pack (Activities Plus)
To upgrade from images in the Component Pack to images hosted by us please follow this guide.
helm upgrade huddo-boards-cp -i -f ./boards-cp.yaml --namespace connections
Updates may include minor schema migrations at any time. If you have a need to downgrade versions then we recommend performing a back-up of the Mongo database before you update versions.
- Performance of redis usage to emit user presence events
- Ability to customise emails support contact line in footer (
Activity Migration:
- Support for Oracle Thick Client and therefore Native Network Encryption (NNE)
This update includes a schema migration of the node.assignments.user
. We recommend performing a back-up of the Mongo database before you update versions.
New Feature:
Boards dashboard feed (Latest Activity)
- Overdue tasks
- Assigned to me
- reduce lookups of board members
- remove lookups of
in API layer
Comments - show save/cancel action buttons while editing
- Boards:
- Nodes:
- Streamline
objects - remove duplicateid
- Streamline
- return string id instead of object
- Boards:
- Mindmap - show color labels on cards when no text labels set in board
Activity Migration:
- use the new node
struture - fix for issue loading users from the
service during migration
Mongo7 support¶
The new boards-cp-1.3.0.tgz
helm chart adds support for Mongo7 using the new variable mongo-name
in the connections-env
configMap. If you are using mongo v5.x please ensure you have this new variable set. If not set, please run the following command to add it:
kubectl patch configmap connections-env -n connections --type merge -p '{"data":{"mongo-name":"mongo5"}}'
Build #1197
- Support new chart (v1.3.0) for Mongo 7 (use
instead ofmongo5-rs-members-hosts
) - Board search quality - use new $text index with sort by score relevance
- Remove duplicate data on comments (do not need name from parent)
- Search Communities by name - allow partial matches
- Performance - improve loading public groups
Build #1196
- Ability to sort Board tiles by creation date
- Enable Bookmark URL editing
- Accessibility of User Options & Assign Members popup
- reduce load times of Boards/Cards with large datasets (e.g. comments) in Board, Todos view, Archive, Dependencies etc
- reduce load times of comment feed (improved pagination)
- reduce data lookups during ACL checks
- reduce load times of group (e.g. community) with large number of members
- reduce group member lookups
Content Admin
- allow searching Boards by ID
- exclude archived boards on page load (default)
- remove unused data returned to improve responsiveness
- Issue with editing list title in Activities View breaks expanding
- Create Board button missing in small community widget
- Styling of Search component integrated into CR8 (min-width etc)
- XSS vulnerability in bookmarks
Build #1189
Mongo v3.6 unsupported¶
Mongo v3.x is now an unsupported configuration as per CNX 7.0 CP. Please upgrade to Mongo v5.x or later before updating to this image date or later.
This update includes minor schema migrations. Please take a Mongo database back-up before performing this update.
- Default to use WebSockets (best) and fall back to polling if WebSockets are not available
- Licence encryption - use
for enhanced security and to replace the deprecatedcreateCipher
- Issue with live events inside framed CORs page (e.g. Microsoft Teams)
- Fix positioning of node modal assign user alert when drag and drop assignment
- Styling of scrollbar in card modal
- Card modal date section heading and action alignment
- Performance improvements (ACL, caching, reduced database queries)
- Prevent main thread blocking causing readiness probe failure
- Improved handling of large data sets
- Date chip (start/end date) - fix minor date selection issue, more descriptive tooltip labels
Build #1180
- Additional debug logs (
- Deep linking to Board/Card in a Community
- Issue in Attach Card micro app when selecting a Board.
- Issue with Connections notification flyout blocking UI in Firefox
Build #1177
- Support retrieval of auth token by SSO in Connections. Fix issue with duplicate LtpaToken and remove requirement for the client.externalId
Activity Migration:
- Process to detect files with missing CCREFUUID in the SQL DB and remigrate into S3 and update Node file link
Build #1177
- lookup performance of groups (e.g. Communities, Teams, etc)
Build #1177
- Add locale support/text translations for date pickers
- Minor DE translation improvements
- Support disabling of the Resource links in the email footer
- Support admin configuration for MSAD
- Personal iCal feed, include cards with only due date (no start date)
- Issue where card history and comments were not updating when switching between cards/sub cards
- Fix performance issue where Community Members were expanded too frequently
- Authentication issue in micro apps
Build #1171
- Regression bug: direct links to cards (e.g. in emails) renders blank screen
- Upload to MSGraph 'My' files
- Issue with text color in rich text editor
Build #1165
- My Todos Timeline - show your tasks for each of your Boards in one central, visual place
- New 'Completed' Boards tab, split from the archive
- Loading speed of Completed/Archived - recently modified
- Issue where creating Board tile labels overwrites the last label
- CNX8 header integration: notification popover issue
- CNX8 header integration: positioning of create board floating button overlapping right menu
- Allow upgrading external users to full membership
Activity Migration:
- Prevent duplicate key exception encountered with very old data for two public members in same Activity
Build #1160
- Upgrade to latest, change to default polling then upgrade to websockets, add more backend error logging, allow custom headers
- Better style support when using extensions injecting dom elements (eg. grammarly)
- Accessibility: use mui button groups for mindmap layout controls (hover/focus styles), add outline on focus to colour labels and member icons, fix padding and add focus outline to complete button
- Kanban lists - move padding down a level so scrollbar is right aligned
- UI - Stop migration polling on tab blur, restart on focus
- Improved detection speed of already processed Activities (DB query selection, new index, hashset comparison)
- Environment variable to migrate Activities by ID (
Build #1155
- PDF zoom/paging controls
- update to the latest version (v6.xx) of Material-UI
- improved flex layout of card icons and assignments + enable assigment avatar stacking
- add a card from the top of a list in board view
- create board from template - make this action more prominent, highlight and add as a floating action when viewing a template
- Members and colours can be assigned to a card by dragging from the sidebar within the card options dialog view
- Tasks with a due date only (no start date) will now appear in the timeline view
- Minor style, position calculation and other improvements to the timeline view
- Allow caching of uploaded files based on unique etag
- Simplification of task/entry. Add icons to their create buttons to clearly differentiate. Allow setting dates and dependencies on entry, auto converts to task
- Simplification of dates. 'End Date' has been merged into 'Due Date'
- Styling of recent updates loading progress bar
- better grid spacing for board members and colours
- Rename entry to note for clarity
- minor UI fixes in board and card detail views
- close nav drawer when todos is clicked
- card details title textarea - make auto width with no resize to avoid overflow or small width issues
- assignment roles
- role icon search issue
- colours used based on colour scheme
- drag and drop
- prevent dragging anchor and images when read only
- prevent touch drag opening context menu
- timeline - orange border for drag preview
- dependency arrow calculation fix for bordering cards
- Themed card title appearing in the background in card details dialog
- Positioning of rich text toolbar when card title long
- Export Board with creator/updater null (data imported from Activities)
- Protection against assignments to user null (data imported from Activities)
- Dark mode styling of transfer ownership dialog
- issue with customisation of events (APP_LOGO_URL, BRAND_LOGO_URL, SOCIAL_LINKS)
Activity Migration:
- performance - keep userId map in memory to avoid redis JSON.stringify/parse expense
memory utilisation
- stream files from disk to S3 in smaller/customisable chunks
- release processed nodes from memory faster
additional debug logging
Build #1112
Dark mode!
- Board tile grid auto-sizing
- Create a Card button spans full width of list
Organisation content administration.
- Delete functionality for Boards which user is not an owner of
- Search by board name - case insensitive
- Sort by Archive column
- Select all only selects visible
- Issue with webhooks
- Issue moving cards by DnD in Kanban in Firefox with Linux OS
- Content Admin - scrolling issues (wobbling and while filtered)
- MindMap - dont show edit option on hover while creating new card
Build #1092
- Support for Microsoft AD
Card details refresh (new styling & theme updates)
Todos filtering by Board - move under filter options
use bolder Roboto fonts to emphasise headings and actions
- Board autocomplete - search boards immediately, show in drop down, dont filter by current selection
Language Translations:
Added missing translations for the following languages:
- Bulgarian (bg)
- Catalan (ca)
- Chinese (Simplified) (zh)
- Chinese (Traditional) (zh-TW)
- Czech (cs)
- Danish (da)
- Dutch (nl)
- French (fr)
- Italian (it)
- Japanese (ja)
- Polish (pl)
- Portuguese (pt)
- Romanian (ro)
- Russian (ru)
- Slovak (sk)
- Slovenian (sl)
- Spanish (es)
- Text overflow issue in Activity view 'add a card' at top button
- Issue with incorrect number of Microsoft users in organisation admin view
- Issue when filtering todos by selected Boards, showing cards outside of the selected Boards if also filtering by text/color with "Match All Filters" disabled
- support Drag-N-Drop transitions from touch to mouse devices and back again
- show number of comments on private cards
Build #1053
- list menu - show for authors/readers (hide menu options per access)
- restrict the selectable roles available in the dropdown when creating new/editing existing members
- Regression bug causing @mentions to not send in comments
- bug where possible to reduce role of other member with higher privelleges than current member
- fix wrap/styling issues for board calendar feed section
Build #1049
- Click on images in comments to preview
- caching of API requests (features & login methods)
- responsive design of cards in Activity view and modal (small screen)
- card display - cursor & border updates
- create card - don't hide input/buttons on blur if text has been entered
- Mobile: save/cancel buttons when creating comments
- Mobile (Android): fix for keyboard covering input fields
- only allow link on card to bookmark (not uploaded files)
- performance of data selection from redux
- mobile: always show rich text editor toolbar in comments (to access @mentions)
- card link in node view on small screen
- fix rich text fullscreen issue
- Parse email to card when dragging from HCL Notes
- loading wrong page/route when logging in with multiple windows (e.g. Community widget & Related Tasks)
- issue where dual tooltips in collapsed Board sidebar
- Assign Member list overflowing on phone
- issue with text overflow in card links
- issue with center alignment of login page on small extra screen devices
- issue with toolbar position for comments (balloon) under header when adding new comment in sidebar
Build #1028
- Drag and drop of cards between browser tabs/windows
- Drag and drop bookmarks into Board lists/cards
Activity Migration:
- MSSQL: Support for authentication per database
Build #1027
As announced at Engage 2024 - Huddo Boards for HCL Digital Experience (DX). Learn more.
- Card and Board recent updates feed - filter to show all or comments/updates only
- add a permanent but closable info level toast when board is read-only
- update rich text editor to latest version
- card details view improvements
- show card fields/data in defined sections in a grid formation with headings and add buttons
- change "add a comment" action to start as a button
- tooltips on date picker
- add invalid date error message
- primary session expired message - show as info alert
- tab color and style improvements
- more consistent use of primary/secondary action colours on buttons
- no collapse for empty lists activity todo pivot views
- auto collapse empty lists initially and after a card is dragged out of them
- New Board Wizard - more specific label for board name and template name
Activity view improvements
- styling (shadows, spacing, border edges when expanded/collapsed)
- drop cards on list header (highlight like shadow)
- add card at top hides the bottom add card
- Timeline: add zoom -+ controls that increment zoom levels
Mindmap accessibility
- 1st tab selects board node, allow arrow key nav, and tab to access actions from there
- sidebar controls - use mui checkboxes + ensure hover effects on buttons
- clear node selection on escape keypress
- fix text cutoff/ensure ellipsis on longer node titles
- add help link to sidebar
- allow keyboard pan and zoom using shift+arrow and +- keys
add contact support button to error catch page
- add severity levels when showing toasts, fade transition
- ensure board creator is displayed as a non-editable owner on board/template creation
- ensure board tile labels are sorted in selection menu
- make 'Recent' heading in sidebar look less like other actionable items
- use delete icon (bin) for remove actions for member tiles, dates, tags, and board tile labels
- Board tile label delete - ensure tile label is deleted from the label object in store
- update material-ui libraries to fix date picker display issues on small screens
- ensure card header theme displays correctly when card is opened via direct link
- minor styling fix for dependencies section on a node
- board/activity lists - more precise and consistent footer spacing/padding
- create card and add comment actions - ensure entered text persists on unfocus + other focus related fixes
- issue with exporting a board in Teams client
- date picker error on mobile/touch devices
- issue with format of dates in date picker
- issues in list header title - not full width, no-wrap ellipsis, use correct cursors
- don't show grab cursor on lists in todos / pivoted views
- issue saving tags when creating new template
- ensure tags are copied from template/source
Accessibility fixes:
- Focus highlighting overrides
- use focus outline rather than background colour
- Fix for keyboard access to CreateCard app clear buttons to choose board/list
- MenuHelper.jsx - pass the disabled prop to the button
- position of assign members menu
- better focus styling for add board tile button
- better contrast when focusing on boards logo
- board tiles sort dropdowns - use defined focus bg and colours
- minor fixes for focused input controls
Activity Migration:
- Support custom DB names in MSSQL
Build #1003
Emoji reactions on comments
Quick selection
- Streamlined
API, separating out the Board labels to/board/labels
endpoints - Loading feedback when creating a board
- Editing of comments on mobile (focus at end of text, save/cancel buttons)
- Loading feedback of recent boards sidebar
- Card link opening behavious (links to other boards open in same tab)
- Teams board links open tabs
- Show loading spinner while waiting on clicked link to open in a teams tab
- Add copy/paste list option in list menu
- Add duplication list option in list menu
- More comprehensive history feed details for moving or reordering cards
- Create board from template when opened and only a reader
- Creating Board in group restricts to the group's Organisation
- Better handling of authentication when provider session changes user account
- Visibility of 'Embed Link' when viewing Boards by Group
- Creation of Board in Group when using /group/{groupId} route (embedded)
- View cards in fullscreen on small screens
- Issue when deleting all Boards tile colors
- Links to card ancestors (Todo view)
- Prevent date selection incorrectly showing today when no date set
- Upload files to Teams private channel OneDrive
- Scroll to bottom of a list when creating a new card
- Delete action in card dialog / in archive view
- Add card section in a list delays retract/height change to prevent card drag issues
- Dragging empty colour labels in Firefox
- Filter/search by list name
- Unauthorised error when adding existing board as Teams tab
- Fix potential onEnter errors in rich text editor
- Prevent overflow on file preview
- Load board members on fullscreen list view (for @mentions)
- Fix potential onBlur errors in rich text editor
- Don't show iCalendar feed options in Teams
Activity Migration:
- Security updates
Oracle DB
- Update to use new v6 thin client
- allow different credentials for PEOPLEDB
- Update to v10
- allow self-signed certificates with CONNECTIONS_DB_OPTIONS variable
Build #960
- Connections SSO header scripts - Notifications panel
- Missing translations caused by load race condition
- Translation of timeline months headers
Build #956
- Issue with Board Content Admin on Mongo v3
- Microsoft Teams private channels
- Link to File will now show the private channel's files.
- Owner/Author access level was setting all members to Author.
- Microsoft Teams Mobile: Removed licence related cards in org admin view.
- Microsoft Teams: Removed obsolete "Disable Notifications" button.
- Rich text editor dialog - allow scroll on overflow
- Use SMTP email address before using Exchange address when parsing email attachments
- Don't show organisation admin links from Boards sidebar menu in Teams on a mobile device
- Activity view scrolling issue
Microsoft Teams integrations
- UI redesign when adding new Boards tab
- Onboarding Tours
faster opening of cards
- allow clicking links in description when content locked for editing
- allow reordering private cards
- US English updates
- organisation plan loading feedback
- issue loading licence caused by race condition in Licence service startup
- issue where completing a new task showed incorrect icon
- issue where Board content deleted when hovered and press Ctrl+Alt+Delete
- issue when opening a card by link, then a subcard within that card
- issue when reordering cards with filtered (hidden) content
- visibility of card title in header breadcrumb (Component Pack)
- RichText saving when used @symbol (but not an @mention)
- @mentions keyboard navigation improvements (home/end, up to bottom, down back to top), escape without closing modal
- @mentions only considered new on first save
- issue where mentions popup partially hidden at top
- issue where could not mention users when opening a card directly by link
- hide private cards when viewing board by assignments
- create card from Outlook/Verse - fix toggle of attach body, ordering of recent boards
- drag dependency links in Firefox
- Drag emails from Outlook to create as card
- Support for latest MongoDB (v7)
- API documentation for /user/{userId}, /user/group/{groupId} etc
- Accessibility (keyboard navigation - colors/members dialog, aria-labels, popover, html.lang attribute, improved roles, aria-selected, aria-expanded, hover/focus on cards)
- Drag email to card - attach .eml and .msg file
- Positioning of unscheduled cards in Timeline
- Improved document titles based on context
- Smoother drag scroll on Kanban
- Ensure grab cursor for Kanban drag scroll
- Update childcounts in activity lists when filtering
- Visibility of selected board filters
- Searching for a board includes the description
- Card label overflow issue when 5 lines
- Issue where comment events sent to mentioned users
- Link to File dialog options
- Issue saving card name when editing it directly on the card
- Issue when focusing on boards search input
Support for Domino by REST API
Please follow this guide to migrate from your existing Proton based Domino authentication
- Minor accessibility improvement - add aria-labels
- Security updates (Node v20)
- allow running webfront pods as random user id
- Fix template description not showing in new board wizard
- Debounce User/Group searching
- Issue where menu buttons in the open card view were not overflowing to the 'more' menu correctly and causing a flickering effect
- Issue where lists in board view could not easily be dragged to re-order
- Issue with board title button long text overflowing
- Issue with card background images
- more consistent tooltips (for screen readers and better explanation of functionality)
- Keyboard navigation (particularly in the Board Tiles, Kanban view, Card dialog) - (vision & motor impaired)
- better screen reader information (vision impaired)
- improved colour contrast (low vision users)
API for Member deletion
- Support Keycloak v22 custom path
- Email for mentions missing fields
- Translations (German and English US)
- Use https protocol for iCal feed instead of webcals
- Hide unusable Colors button when read-only access when sidebar collapsed
- Consistency of Board colour feature naming
- Issue where iCal feed dates off by 1 due to timezone differences
- Issue where page blank in Firefox when loading with Connections 7 header via SSO
When deployed, this release (and all subsequent) will perform a once-off schema migration for Boards notification/event data in the Mongo database. We recommend performing a back-up of the database before you update versions
- Show Member/Labels buttons in collapsed sidebar
- Added translations to missing access role fields
- loading of Board task stats on tiles as required
- performance of loading My Boards
- redirect in place for expired session of Collab/Connections with SSO header
- Connections Header about.jsp issue for older environments (regression in 2023-10-17)
- Issue where page crashed when reloaded page with Card open, then opening member dialog
- updated German translations (UI and emails)
- expired session handling when using SSO
- showing CNX8 notification action center in sidebar
- pasting image in rich text field (desciption and comments)
- support SafeLinx cookie auth on manifest.json
- issue where dependencies change view after deletion
- allow assigned author to assign/unassign
- Connections Header loading via SSO loading in older environments (eg CNX7)
Mongo schema migrations¶
When deployed, this release (and all subsequent) will perform major once-off schema migrations for Boards data in the Mongo database. We recommend performing a back-up of the database before you update versions.
- Organisation content administration & membership management
- Labels pivot view for Board and Activity views
- Pasting URLs into description and comments automatically converted to clickable link
- support HCL Connections 8 CR3 style changes
API performance (faster response, less data) of the
- 'My/Public Boards' data
- cards in a Board
Users with the author role now have full edit access on cards that are assigned to them (rather than complete and comment access only)
- consistency of sidebar icon positioning when collapsed/expanded
- public member creation when creating Board
- issues in dependency arrow positioning
- auto reschedule dependencies when dates change
- selecting the same file to upload after cancelling
- expand/collapse lists when pivoted by dates/assignment
- Ensure assignments are duplicated when copying and pasting tasks
- Prevent cards from being moved to another list at the same time they are archived by dragging to the archive button
- Ensure the current user has the correct actions available according to their board role when opening cards from the My Todos view
- Drag & Drop from rich email clients onto a list
- Activity list missing action menu
- Readers can now select text in descriptions
- General reader experience
- Improved author experience - restrict to allowed actions
- Board title/board options button - styling and usability improvements
- Current member role now highlighted in members dialog and links added to member permissions documentation
- Improved randomisation and readability of Assignment Role colours
- Added tooltips to Assignment Role avatars
Microsoft Teams
- detect members in private sub channels (OAuth Admin consent must be certified again)
- fix for creating Board in private sub channels
- loading spinner positioning
- Connections 8 styling fixes (support banner and nav customisations)
- Fixed coloured role borders when assigning member roles
- Fix URLs pointing to old docs pages
- Issue detecting highest licence when multiple
- Minor fixes to Welcome and Plan Selection dialogs
- Template role assignment on touch devices
- Assignments to non-primary aliases
Mongo schema migrations¶
When deployed, this release (and all subsequent) will perform major once-off schema migrations for Boards data in the Mongo database. We recommend performing a back-up of the database before you update versions.
- Template Rescheduling
- Template Roles
- Custom Colours - colours and tags have been merged. You are now able to create as many colours as you like in a Board.
- Button to assign all sub-tasks as dependencies of parent
- Drag & Drop assignments from parent to sub-cards in modal
- Drag card to archive
- Readers no longer see actions they cannot perform
- Outlook attachments using plugin
- Copy/Paste functionality (buttons & menu items)
- UI for member adding on Mobile
- Timeline card title always visible
- Auto-move dependency parent
- Expand all in activity view
- Hide edit options on archived card
- Localised format of dates in CSV export
- Cards can be Archived+Deleted from the card modal toolbar.
Drag and drop of lists
- drag by header
- fix blank list when scrolled and dragged
- prevent scrolling of list in drag mode
- Styling of ITM sidebar in Connections 8 CR1/CR2
- Connections 8 integrations when Boards on different domain
- Getting members from private sub-channels (teams)
- Attachments are moved in child nodes when the parent is moved
- Updated attachments to correctly show when their parent had been moved
- Kanban Printing
- Timeline calendar shifting when opening a card
- Removed Connections community members not removed from Board membership
- Dragging card from assigned user created user image as card
- Sending duplicate due date reminders
Card drag and drop
- issue where a duplicate card appears when drag to end
- issue where card jumps back to top when dragging a card to end of same list
Issue with exporting Board as CSV with special characters (e.g. Umlaut)
- German translations with extra '}' character
- Security issue affecting external users and public communities
- Handling of default profile images in Connections
- Detect language from Connections dropdown
- Styling for HCL Connections 8 'Important-to-Me' sidebar
- Handling of licence with new organisation in store
- Styling for HCL Connections 8 new UI
- Security updates (node 18)
- Issue with blank page served on
For release history before 2023 please see here.