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Migration of Activities to Huddo Boards (using standalone Mongo/Redis)


If you are using Component Pack please follow this guide

As part of the installation process for Huddo Boards you can run the migration service to move the existing Activities into Huddo Boards.


Please review the Roles page for details on how Community Activity membership is interpreted & presented by Boards

Difference between the individual import

There is an individual import, when you hover over the orange Create button and click Import from Activities. It can be accessed by end-users, but only usess the Activities API. While this works for basic Activitiy functionality, it doesn't include any extra features from Huddo Boards for WebSphere. Card colors are one example of those features.

So you'll need to use the migration service described here to import all data in the new Boards.

Process Overview

This service will:

  1. access Activities data in the existing Connections SQL database
  2. process the Activity into a Board
  3. get file attachments and long descriptions via mounting the Connections shared drive
  4. write Boards data into the Component Pack mongo database
  5. write file attachments into S3 storage

Ensure you have updated the following variables as applicable in the global.env section of your boards.yaml file downloaded previously

Example Description
sharedDrive.server or websphereNode1 IP or Hostname of the server with the Connections shared drive mount
sharedDrive.path /opt/HCL/Connections/data/shared or /nfs/data/shared Path on the mount to the Connections shared drive 10Gi (optional) The capacity of the PV and PVC
sharedDrive.accessMode ReadOnlyMany (optional) The accessMode of the PV and PVC
sharedDrive.volumeMode Filesystem (optional) The volumeMode of the PV and PVC
sharedDrive.persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy Retain (optional) The persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy of the PV and PVC
sharedDrive.storageClassName manual (optional) The storageClassName of the PV and PVC - useful for custom spec (e.g. hostPath)
sharedDrive.spec Example Using a fully custom spec - e.g. FlexVolume or hostPath
env.CONNECTIONS_URL httsp:// URL of your Connections environment
env.FILE_PATH_ACTIVITIES_CONTENT_STORE /data/activities/content Path of the Activities content store relative to the Connections shared drive.
Must start with /data as the Connections shared drive is mounted at /data
Ensure you set the IP and path for the NFS volume mount.
env.API_GATEWAY https://[CONNECTIONS_URL]/api-boards URL of the Boards API.
Used by files attached to a board. URL.
env.CONNECTIONS_ACTIVITIES_ADMIN_USERNAME connectionsadmin Credentials for user with admin role
on the Activities application.
See ISC => Applications =>
Activities =>
Security role to user mapping
env.CONNECTIONS_ACTIVITIES_ADMIN_PASSWORD adminpassword Password for the Activities administrator
env.CONNECTIONS_DB_TYPE db2 or mssql or oracle SQL database type hosting Activities.
env.CONNECTIONS_DB_HOST SQL Server hostname
env.CONNECTIONS_DB_PORT 50000 or 1433 or 1531 SQL Server connection port
env.CONNECTIONS_DB_USER dbuser SQL Server user name
env.CONNECTIONS_DB_PASSWORD dbpassword SQL Server user password
Note: applicable to Oracle
env.CONNECTIONS_DB_DOMAIN domain SQL Server connection string
Note: applicable to Microsoft SQL
env.CONNECTIONS_DB_CONNECT_STRING HOSTNAME=<host>;PROTOCOL=... or <host>:<port>/<sid> SQL Server connection string
Note: Optional
Default is built from other values.
Only applicable to DB2 and Oracle
env.PROCESSING_PAGE_SIZE 10 (default) Number of Activities to process
simultaneously. Value must not exceed
the connection pool size supported
by the SQL database
env.PROCESSING_LOG_EVERY 50 (default) The migration process logs every 50 Activities completed
env.IMMEDIATELY_PROCESS_ALL false (default) Process ALL Activities on service startup.
env.COMPLETE_ACTIVITY_AFTER_MIGRATED false Mark the old Activity data as complete
env.CREATE_LINK_IN_ACTIVITY_AFTER_MIGRATED false Create link to new Board in old Activity


  # configure access to the Connections Shared mount
    # Replace with IP address for the NFS server
    # for example "/opt/HCL/Connections/data/shared" or "/nfs/data/shared"
    path: /nfs/data/shared
    FILE_PATH_ACTIVITIES_CONTENT_STORE: /data/activities/content
    CONNECTIONS_URL: httsp://
    CONNECTIONS_DB_HOST: cnx-db.internal
    # ...

Deploy Helm Chart

Please deploy the following chart with the same configuration boards.yaml file used to deploy the huddo-boards chart

helm upgrade huddo-boards-activity-migration -i -f ./boards.yaml --namespace boards --recreate-pods

Note: the new sharedDrive parameters described above. You may also need to delete the previously name chart

Migrate Activities

The migration interface is accessible at https://[BOARDS_URL]/admin/migration to select which Activities to migrate (ie ignore completed/deleted). For some explanation of the interface, see Activity Migration User Interface.

You can also set the global.env.IMMEDIATELY_PROCESS_ALL variable if you wish to migrate every Activity without the UI.


You can check the pod logs for the activity-migration to see progress of the running migration:

kubectl logs -n boards -f $(kubectl get pod -n boards | grep activity-migration | awk '{print $1}')

When the helm chart was installed in another namespace (helm upgrade ... --namespace my-boards), change -n boards to your modified namespace like -n my-boards. To stop following the logs, press [Ctrl] + [C].

For example


After Migration Complete

  1. The Migration service can be removed. Please use the following command

    helm delete huddo-boards-activity-migration --purge
  2. Turn off the Activities application in WebSphere ISC