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Configuration Options

Shared Options

Please set the following environment variables in your config file as required

Key Description
global.env.API_GATEWAY Fully qualified URL of the API in the format https://[API_URL]
webfront.env.DEFAULT_TEAM Name of the team users will primarily login with.
This will be shown on the login page.
Optional: Only set if you are authenticating with multiple providers.
licence.env.LICENCE Licence key obtained from the Huddo Store
events.env.NOTIFIER_EMAIL_HOST SMTP gateway hostname, e.g.
events.env.NOTIFIER_EMAIL_USERNAME Optional: SMTP gateway authentication.
Setting a value will enable auth and use the default port of 587
events.env.NOTIFIER_EMAIL_PASSWORD Optional: SMTP gateway authentication password
events.env.NOTIFIER_EMAIL_PORT Optional: SMTP gateway port.
Default: 25 (OR 587 if NOTIFIER_EMAIL_USERNAME is set)
events.env.NOTIFIER_EMAIL_FROM_NAME Optional: Emails are sent from this name.
Default: Huddo Boards
events.env.NOTIFIER_EMAIL_FROM_EMAIL Optional: Emails are sent from this email address.
events.env.NOTIFIER_EMAIL_SUPPORT_EMAIL Optional: Support link shown in emails.
events.env.NOTIFIER_EMAIL_HELP_URL Optional: Help link shown in new user welcome email.
events.env.NOTIFIER_EMAIL_OPTIONS Optional: Custom NodeMailer email options (insecure tls etc).
For example: "{\"ignoreTLS\": true,\"tls\":{\"rejectUnauthorized\":false}}"
user.env.DISABLE_WELCOME_EMAIL Optional: Set to disable welcome emails for users

Provider Specific Options

HCL Connections


Optional: These settings are only required if you are using HCL Connections as your authentication provider.

Key Description
provider.env.WIDGET_ID Optional: ID of the Community widget configured in this step
user.env.CONNECTIONS_NAME Optional: If you refer to 'Connections' by another name, set it here
user.env.CONNECTIONS_CLIENT_ID oAuth client-id, usually huddoboards
user.env.CONNECTIONS_CLIENT_SECRET oAuth client-secret as configured in this step
user.env.CONNECTIONS_URL HCL Connections URL, e.g.
user.env.CONNECTIONS_ADMINS Emails or GUIDs of users to grant admin permissions.
e.g. "[\"\", \"PROF_GUID_2\"]"
user.env.CONNECTIONS_KEYCLOAK_URL Optional: See keycloak authentication for more information
user.env.CONNECTIONS_KEYCLOAK_REALM Optional: See keycloak authentication for more information

HCL Domino


Optional: These settings are only required if you are using HCL Domino as your authentication provider.

Key Description
user.env.DOMINO_AUTH_URL HCL Domino REST API URL. See domino authentication for more information
user.env.DOMINO_CLIENT_ID oAuth client-id, see domino authentication for more information
user.env.DOMINO_CLIENT_SECRET oAuth client-secret, see domino authentication for more information
user.env.DOMINO_ADMINS Optional: Emails or GUIDs of users to grant admin permissions.
See domino authentication for more information
user.env.DOMINO_USE_PROFILE_IMAGE_ATTACHMENTS Optional: set true to enable using profile images
See domino authentication for more information
user.env.DOMINO_PROFILE_IMAGE_NAME Optional: file name of profile images. Uses first image attached if not set
See domino authentication for more information
user.env.DOMINO_AUTH_SCOPE Optional: defaults to $DATA
See domino authentication for more information
user.env.DOMINO_REST_SCOPE Optional: defaults to directorylookup
See domino authentication for more information

HCL Digital Experience (DX)


Optional: These settings are only required if you are using HCL DX as your authentication provider.

Key Description
user.env.DX_URL HCL DX URL, e.g.
user.env.DX_CLIENT_ID oAuth client-id, see dx authentication for more information
user.env.DX_CLIENT_SECRET oAuth client-secret, see dx authentication for more information
user.env.DX_ADMINS Optional: Emails or GUIDs of users to grant admin permissions.
user.env.DX_AUTH_PROVIDER_NAME Optional: name of the OAuth Service Provider. Defaults to OAuthConfig