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Huddo Boards Notifications

Below are the notifications that Huddo Boards sends it's users to keep them up to date with their content, we try not to send too many of these and keep them short and relevant.

Notification Trigger Recipients Methods
New User First Sign in User Email
User Invite Inviting a user to a board by their email address Invitee Email
Added to Board Adding user/group to a board Invitee Email, Teams bot, Community stream
Assigned Task Assigning a user to a card Assignee Email
Assigned Task Assigning a user to a card Groups that are members Teams bot, Community stream
Commented Adding a comment Commenter (if another user replies), Anyone assigned, The card creator, Anyone @Mentioned, Groups that are members Email, Teams bot, Community stream
Mentioned Mentioning another member in a board description Anyone @Mentioned, Groups that are members Email, Teams bot, Community stream

Group Notifications

For boards that have groups as members, these notifications are sent to each group.

Trigger Creating a new card, Changing properties of a board/card, Completing a board/card
Recipients Group
Methods Teams bot, Community stream

Licence Notifications

Trigger Quote Request, Payment Success/Failure, Licence created/updated
Recipients Organisation Admins
Methods Email