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Migration from Domino Proton to REST API

Using the old Proton configuration?

If you are using the old Proton configuration, you will need to migrate to the new Domino REST API configuration. This guide will help you through the process.


  1. Domino REST API installed and configured. Ensure you setup the oauth.json file.
  2. Enabled access to names.nsf
  3. Configured Boards OAuth client
  4. Check Release date

    Ensure you are running images after 30 November 2023

    check release date

Migration Steps

Edit Domino Client


This step must be performed before any user tries to login with the new Domino OAuth client to ensure you maintain ownership of the current Boards data.

  1. Open Admin Settings, then your organisation

    user menu

    open organisation

  2. Open Domino client

    open client

  3. Edit Domino client


    Save a copy of the old values in case you need to reverse the changes.

    Change the old Proton values to new Domino REST API values as configured

    Domino URL https://<NEW_DOMINO_REST_API>
    ExternalId base64 encoded value of the hostname part of Domino URL
    (this is automatically set when you change Domino URL)
    Global OAuth ensure this box is checked
    Domino Hostname - PROTON ONLY (LEGACY) delete this value - it must be empty to enable the new REST API functionality.

    For example:

    edit client

    Click Save

Deploy OAuth

  1. Open the boards.yaml configuration file which you have deployed
  2. Set environment variables for the user service as follows (substituting the values above)

            DOMINO_AUTH_URL: https://<NEW_DOMINO_REST_API>
  3. Run your deploy command (e.g. helm upgrade..., docker compose up)



We recommend you perform the validation steps below in a new Incognito window (or different browser) to test without logging out of your existing session. This way you can reverse the client changes in your existing session if required.

  1. Open a new Boards session

    Click Domino


  2. Enter your credentials for the new REST API


  3. Once Authenticated, you should see the approval request

    Click Allow
