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Getting Started with Huddo Boards for Microsoft 365


If you're not a Microsoft 365 administrator, refer this document to your IT team or Microsoft 365 administrator and skip to Add Huddo Boards to Microsoft Teams.


Microsoft Teams

Huddo Boards is deeply integrated in to Microsoft Teams. See Add Huddo Boards to Microsoft Teams.

Web Application

You can also access Huddo Boards via Use the dedicated Microsoft login URL ( to skip selecting Microsoft as the login method.

Microsoft Graph API Permissions

Huddo Boards requires permissions to be granted to access your Microsoft 365 data.


Microsoft Tenants configured with strict security policies may require admin consent to enable any functionality.

Permission types
Basic Permissions Most functionality is enabled with permissions that any Microsoft user can normally grant.
Admin Permissions Some functionality requires an admin to grant permissions that give Boards broader access to data.

Admin Approval

Providing administrator consent gives Huddo Boards the Microsoft Graph permissions required to enable all functionality and allows users to skip a consent prompt when logging in.

Via Microsoft Entra

You can view the your currently granted permissions, grant admin consent and manage/revoke permissions on your Microsoft Entra | Huddo Boards | Permissions page.

Via Huddo Boards

If admin consent has not been provided, you will be prompted within the Huddo Boards app: Approval Toast

After clicking Approve, you may be asked to login to Microsoft 365 again, then you will be prompted to approve Huddo Boards access on behalf of your organisation.

You can revoke this approval at any stage via your Microsoft Entra | Huddo Boards | Permissions page.

Permissions Used by Huddo Boards

These are the permissions what Huddo Boards uses. These will change as we implement new features and optimise the permissions we use. When permission requirements change, permissions must be granted by users/admins again.

Permission Name Permission Type Microsoft Description Admin consent required Boards Usage
email delegated View users' email address false Basic permission that allows you to log in to Huddo Boards with your Microsoft account
Files.Read.All delegated Read all files that user can access false Allows you to browse and share links to your files in Huddo Boards.
Files.ReadWrite.All delegated Have full access to all files user can access false Allows you to store new files in OneDrive via the Huddo Boards app.
offline_access delegated Maintain access to data you have given it access to false Allows us to remember who you are logged in as, so you don't have to login every time you use Huddo Boards
openid delegated Sign users in false Basic permission that allows you to log in to Huddo Boards with your Microsoft account
People.Read delegated Read users' relevant people lists false Basic permission that allows Huddo Boards to search for people in your tenant on your behalf.
profile delegated View users' basic profile false Basic permission that allows you to log in to Huddo Boards with your Microsoft account - Allows Huddo Boards to read your profile
Sites.Read.All delegated Read items in all site collections false Allows Huddo Boards to read the basic information about Sharepoint Sites you can access.
Team.ReadBasic.All delegated Read the names and descriptions of teams false Allows Huddo Boards to read the basic information about Teams you can access.
TeamsActivity.Send delegated Send a teamwork activity as the user false Allows Huddo Boards to send Activity Notifications to other Microsoft users on your behalf.
User.Read delegated Sign in and read user profile false Basic permission that allows you to log in to Huddo Boards with your Microsoft account - Allows Huddo Boards to read your profile
User.ReadBasic.All delegated Read all users' basic profiles false Allows Huddo Boards to read basic profile information of others in your tenant that you can access.
Channel.ReadBasic.All application Read the names and descriptions of all channels true Allows Huddo Boards to read private channel details.
ChannelMember.Read.All application Read the members of all channels true Allows Huddo Boards to read members of and function in private channels.
Directory.Read.All delegated Read directory data true Allows Huddo Boards to read data in your organisation's directory, such as users, groups and apps. We intend to remove this permission in the future in favour of multiple more fine-grained permissions.
Group.Read.All delegated Read all groups true Allows Huddo Boards to search the groups you have access to, read group details (image, description, installed apps, etc)
Group.ReadWrite.All delegated Read and write all groups true DEPRECATED: To be removed. Allows Huddo Boards to add new team channel tabs without interaction with the Teams client.

Set up Integrations

These guides also require admin access and enable some advanced features of Huddo Boards in your Microsoft 365 environment. These are also in the side menu of this page.

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